Gov. Tim Walz Signs Executive Order on December 2nd, 2019, to Combat Climate Change.

The move is to further reinforce the prior 2007 Next Generation Energy Act and push Minnesota to clean energy

Within the bill is the creation of the Climate Change Subcabinet and Governor’s Advisory Council on Climate Change. This subcabinet will work within state government to reduce climate change and its impacts. Walz states in a tweet “climate change threatens the very things that makes MN a great place to live”.

Here’s a breakdown of the executive order 19-37: Establishing the Climate Change Subcabinet and the Governor’s Advisory Council on Climate Change to Promote Coordinated Climate Change Mitigation and Resilience Strategies in the State of Minnesota 

The primary goals of this executive order are as follows:

a.       Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to at least 30% below 2005 levels by 2025, 80% by 2050

b.       Researching and implementing new policies that increase climate resiliency

c.       Achieving 100% clean energy by 2050

d.       Promote economic development, innovation, and job creation

e.       Building partnerships with Tribal Nations, local communities, as well as business interests


The full Executive Order can be read here: