Wanted to give a quick update on what’s to come over the next few weeks or so.
The website is a little bare as of right now; we are in the process of drafting questions to ask candidates based on poll results that was posted earlier today (11.21.2019). The intent of these questions is to find out where candidates stand on certain issues and their policy positions. These questions will be emailed to each elected official at the state and federal level, as well as the candidates running against them. Any response, whether by email or phone call, will be posted to the site for transparency; if there is no response that will be noted and information will be gathered from their Facebook page or campaign website. Once this information is compiled, each federal congressional district will be analyzed, as well as the one senate race. Analysis will include polling data, comparing the policies of the candidates, historical data on the district, and future outlooks. The same will be done at the state level, but that will take place after the primaries.
The news section will start populating within a week or two. With proper research and editing, news stories could take up to a week to write.
Last, but certainly not least, a HUGE thank you to both Elissa Herber and Paul Morlock for all their help editing and brainstorming! They have made this process much easier!
That’s all for now! Thank you for all the early support, it’s been incredible and we only hope to continue to grow so we can bring the best coverage possible. Minnesota, and the United States as a whole, deserves fair, non-partisan election coverage. Please invite your friends and family to “like” this page and visit the site!